The Safford Friends of the Library started a Fun with Math and Science Program at the Safford City Library. This program is a free, six-week program for 3-5 year olds and their parents. The program introduces fundamental concepts of math and science by using play and books. Fun with Math and Science is also full of tips and strategies for parents to incorporate into their children’s everyday lives, helping to build a strong foundation for later math and science learning and success.
The program has run 4 different sessions so far. The classes saw 66 attendees and said there was an 83% increase of interest in STEM. 75% of the program attendees said that they had attended a STEM event in the past month. This is a large increase from the data we have a few months prior in this region which stated that only 33% of people had recently attended a STEM event.
The program also recently held a preview class which saw 43 attendees, with continued interest and growth for the upcoming September program. With the grant from RAIN the group was able to purchase materials in order to conduct the Fun with Math and Science classes. The materials for this program have also been used in conjunction with the groups special needs science programs and at the yearly Library Block Party, allowing them to reach an even broader segment of the population with fun, educational programs.
For more information about the event you can visit their website here. RAIN is excited to have partnered with this group to help fund this amazing program being offered in this community.
The Arizona Rural Activation and Innovation Network (RAIN) is funded by the National Science Foundation to oversee grant funding for informal STEM education projects in four rural Arizona communities: Cochise County, Graham and Greenlee County, the Verde Valley, and the Navapache/White Mountains region. RAIN acts as a resource for best practices in informal STEM program development and works to highlight effective STEM programs, employers and organizations across the state of Arizona. Interested in applying for a grant? Visit our website today and learn more about the opportunities in your community.