Looking back on the year, Navopache wanted to share what they have accomplished, their next steps, and what they are most looking forward to in 2020. What have you enjoyed the most? Our greatest success has been the opportunity that we’ve had to support new STEM projects in almost every
The Cochise County RIC has funded multiple mini grants over the past year. Grants that were awarded have been widely distributed across the County and have included many organizations/individuals that have not previously received funding from us. Additionally, the Cochise County RIC was able to support the Bisbee Science Lab
We wanted to learn the impact of all the communities we serve around Arizona, and how effective our model has been implementing STEM opportunities in rural communities. Verde Valley STREAM Council have been hard at work and wanted to share some of their accomplishments of 2019. What all has been
The Graham/Greenlee Rural Innovation Council (RIC) had a very active year. They funded 12 projects totaling $51,539.58 and provided travel funds for 5 educators to attend the Arizona Science Teachers Association annual conference. They hosted 2 community forums, one at the Blue Door Sanctuary in Clifton (Greenlee County) and the