Duncan High School’s after-school engineering club along with the Willcox STEM club partnered up to utilize STEM practices to compete in a NASA challenge. The NASA Design Challenge tasked participants with designing an International Space Settlement. How did they do it? In partnership with Duncan Unified Schools, the Town of
The Navapache STEM Coalition inspired their local community to get behind STEM programming with a project that supplied Grab-and-Go STEM kits throughout the Navapache area. Through partnerships between the Navapache STEM coalition, the White Mountain Nature Center, Northland Pioneer College Kids College, Show Low Schools, Mountain Christian School, Sequoia School,
In rural Arizona, community access to computers and media equipment can be a challenge. In the town of Willcox, students and adults alike were struggling to access and understand media programs that had become necessary in building and promoting their hobbies or businesses. In hopes of fostering more education in
The White Mountain Nature Center (WMNC) wanted to inspire more students to focus on both the environment and STEM outside of the typical school day. WMNC, in collaboration with the City of Pinetop and Navapache Innovation Council (NAIC) members from the education community, worked to incorporate these learning opportunities